06:50- Mac woke up and went into daddy’s room, he got to see mommy before she left for work.  Mac stayed in daddy’s room until it was time to wake up Mitchell. 07:30 we all woke Mitchell and daddy carried him downstairs.  Mitch went potty and put on his under wear and walked daddy to the door.  Mac got himself dressed and also walked daddy to the door.  Mitchell finished getting dressed and Mac picked out his breakfast.  Then when Mitch finished getting dressed he got his breakfast to.  Mac ate blueberry muffins and drank milk, Mitch ate chocolate chip muffins and drank milk.  After eating the boys had time to play.  Mac played on the computer and Mitch played with Thomas trains and watched Mac on the computer.

08:15- The boys got ready for school.  I put Hydrophor and band aids on Mitchell’s bottom right foot, left ankle and left pointer, pinky and thumb fingers.  I also gave him his Zyrtec.  Mac went potty and brushed his teeth while Mitch put his socks and shoes on.  Then, Mitch went potty and brushed his teeth while Mac put his socks and shoes on.  I washed both of their faces and combed both of their hair.

08:45- The boys arrived at school.

11:50- I picked Mitch up from school.  He had a good day.  He played outside, made a necklace and drew a  race track.  He did not have a snack today.  Daddy was home when we got there and he stayed to have lunch with Mitch.  Mitch ate strawberries, chicken bites and some of daddy’s sandwich.  Mitch walked daddy to the door and then finished eating.  After eating it was time to go for a nap.   He went upstairs, went potty, washed up, changed clothes and I put Hydrophor and band aids on his bottom right foot, left ankle and left pointer, pinky and thumb fingers.  He fell asleep about 13:30.  I woke him up at 14:50 in order to pick Mac up from school.

15:15- We picked Mac up from school.  He had a good day.  He made a Tree Book, went to P.E., went to Music, worked on a handwriting sheet and read a book.  He did not have a snack and he did not go outside.  For lunch he ate Turkey slices and a slice of bread.  He did not eat his yogurt or grapes.  He said that he was talking alot and did not have time to finish.

When we got home Mac went straight to practicing his piano.  Mitchell and I went upstairs and got ready for Soccor and then he played with the fire truck.